One Planet is a company founded on passion. We’re passionate about our products, our people and our planet.
In our Melbourne factory, we produce world-class gear, specialising in rucksacks, sleeping bags, apparel and tents for adventure and travel markets. Our philosophy is simple: make it good, make it work, make it last. We have been manufacturing outdoor gear for more than 35 years, during which time both products and company have continually evolved.
We go to great lengths to minimise our environmental impact. By making gear that lasts and through servicing and repair programs. Most of our products are made in our Melbourne factory, which has been carbon neutral since 2005.
Free Spirit True North will have copies of “The Spirit of Adventure Calls – A Compass for Life, Learning and Leadership” by Wayne Enright available for sale at the conference at a special discounted price, along with its companion True North Quest journal/tool…all proceeds from sales going to Youth At Risk Programs (If you wish to pre-order the book and have it mailed prior to or post the conference you may use this link~ )